0161 865 2292 info@blackmurg.com

History & Affiliations

You may not know this but we have been around for over 90 years.
See for yourself below.

Mr Blackburn and Mr Murgatroyd first met

We do not know the exact date that Mr Blackburn and Mr Murgatroyd first met and formed the company however, we hold in our possession the bank book for our business account with Williams Deacon’s Bank Limited, which is dated 1922

See Our Certificate


Formation of the Companies Act in 1957

The next documentation we have is the formation of the Companies Act in 1957 and also the original NICEIC enrolment certificate dated 1957.

Sidney Guest took over the Ownership

Sidney Guest took over the ownership and management of the company in 1968 (aged 28) and the Guest family have remained the owners of the company to the present day.

We became member number 44 in 1957

The National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting (NICEIC) is one of several organisations which regulates the training and work of electrical enterprises in the UK.
They were established in 1956 and we became member number 44 in 1957 and still remain so to this day.

Fully certified so work with us in confidence

At Blackburn & Murgatroyd we want people to feel confident that any job we do will be completed to the highest possible quality and to the highest safety standards.